The Power Zone
Beginner’s Guide to Lawn Care: When to Mow Grass & Other FAQ’s
While there is some debate on when to mow grass for the best results, there is no question that diligent lawn care yields lush, vibrant grass with robust root systems, resulting in accelerated growth and denser turf. When it comes to finding the best time to cut grass, there are two main instances to consider…
Eco Lawn Mowing & Yard Care: Sustainable Practices & Tools
Did you know there is a way to achieve a picture-perfect lawn AND be conscious towards the environment while doing it? That’s right! Introducing: sustainable lawn and garden equipment from PowerPro!
How to Cut Grass Properly with Your Spartan Mower Zero Turn
Everyone notices and envies a lush lawn with beautifully mowed stripes and patterns. But when it comes to replicating that level of care on your own property, it can feel discouraging not knowing where to start. Discover how to cut grass properly, what tools you’ll need, the top brands to trust, and other lawn mowing tips to help you achieve your healthiest lawn yet!
5 Tips & Tools for Flawless Fall Lawn Care in the Northeast
When it comes to lawn care, don’t sweat the fall stuff. Discover the top-rated mowers, tractors, blowers, and chainsaws from PowerPro Equipment’s extensive variety
Why Early Spring Is the Best Time of Year to Buy a Lawn Mower
For maximum efficiency, cutting power, and even comfort, you’re going to want to upgrade to a zero turn mower. It’s no coincidence that these heavy-duty mowers are almost exclusively used by lawn professionals to deliver better cuts in way less time. However, if you’ve only had experience with a riding tractor or a push mower, the unique control layout of a zero turn can seem daunting. That’s why we’re highlighting the basics of how to drive a zero turn mower and sharing essential tips!
How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn?
While PowerPro is known far and wide as THE homeowner’s power equipment destination, one of the most common questions we answer isn’t about machinery — it’s about grass. Many homeowners want to know, “How often should you mow your lawn?”. That answer depends on the season and the weather conditions, but generally you’ll want to mow your lawn every 4 to 10 days. Keep reading our blog as we break down that range into specific suggestions for spring, summer, and fall!
Do You Know What Grass Type Your Lawn is Made Of?
As spring gets underway, it’s crucial to assess your lawn and know what type of grass you have so you know how to properly care for it during the growing—and mowing—season. It’s also important to see if you might need to reseed or overseed with a different species of grass that will better suit your expectations for your lawn.
Today’s post takes a closer look at some of the most popular—and easy-care—grass types that thrive in Pennsylvania lawns like those of our PowerPro Equipment customers. Read on to learn more.
The Complete Lawn Care Schedule: Your Guide to Year-Round Lawn Care Success
The key to keeping your grass lush and green throughout the growing season is a consistent maintenance routine. Doing the right things at the right time of year will ensure that your lawn gets the nutrients it needs while preventing many problems before they begin.
How to Cut Down A Tree Safely and Precisely with a Chainsaw
If it’s time to cut down a tree on your property, learning how to cut down that tree safely should be the most important first step. Taking down a large tree is no small task, and making sure you have the right safety precautions and tools will enable your success.
Depending on the size and location of the tree you need to remove, you may want to take a few extra precautions or hire a professional. Keep reading to find out if you are ready to tackle that tree in your backyard. Never hesitate to contact a professional if you are still unsure about the best way to bring your tree down, or have concerns about damaging your nearby property.
How to Prepare Your Lawn for the Winter Months
The dog days of summer are finally behind us, replaced with chilly autumn days and brisk nights. While you may be enjoying a break from your regular mowing schedule, your quest for the perfect lawn is far from over. In fact, the work you do this fall will set the stage for next year’s lawn. Here’s how to prepare your lawn for the coming winter to get the best results next spring.
Make Your Yard Exceptional with Organic Lawn Care
The perfect, green lawn is a quest for the ages. In fact, U.S. households will spend nearly $6.6 billion on lawn and garden supplies this year alone to beautify their lawns and battle weeds. But growing concerns over chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides have prompted many consumers to begin looking for safer, healthier alternatives.
The answer is organic lawn care. Let’s explore how you can grow an exceptional lawn without synthetic fertilizers, dangerous chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides.
Spring is Here: Get Your Lawn In Shape With These Tips
With the vernal equinox behind us, the days are getting longer. And that means your yard is starting to wake up for the season. While your first true mow may still be a few weeks away, there is plenty of prep work you need to get done now – both to get your machinery ready and to make sure your lawn doesn’t have any problems that developed over the winter when your attention was focused elsewhere.
Today we’re taking a look at what you need to do to get your summer of mowing off to a great start.